Locusts chirp this morning like slow motion waves of sound broadcasting the local weather forecast: hot as hell. The rest of the house is sleeping except for me and the cat who is cleaning her front paw, but missing and inadvertently cleaning the foot stool we’re sharing. She is annoyed. She is usually annoyed. So am I, but for different reasons. I am slowly drowning in the awareness of all the things I want to do in life, but am somehow not getting around to. Kinda wish I was missing my paw and licking the fabric on the chair.
I so admire people who become obsessively attached to just one thing and do it their whole lives. They become experts and they seem so freaking happy. That’s not me. Never has been, never will be. Everything interests me. People around me – and to some extent I share this concern – think maybe someday I’ll figure out what I want to be when I grow up. The problem is, I have grow up, in fact I’m growing old now and it turns out, I already am what I wanted to be. A person who is interested in almost everything. It is at times, a difficult existence. My to-do list is overwhelming and never ending and often none of it gets done as I shoot up a little of my favorite drugs like TV or books or movies or shopping…
My to-do list grew last night. I’m helping my brother do what I’ve always believed I wanted to do, but just never got around to – become a successful writer. He’s written his first book and he’s ready for the first of many encounters with success as an author. I’m so proud of him I could spit. Acid. No seriously, he’s amazing and I’m thrilled to help him out.
So I’m researching blogs this morning as a first step toward putting his marketing plan into place and I suddenly realize, hmm, I have a couple of these things (blogs) out in the world that are kind of neglected. And so here on this quiet and beautiful Saturday morning, for just a few minutes, I’m writing in my blog. It’s a little strange that this is the thing I’m actually doing this morning. I should be: cleaning the house, getting my run out of the way, baking bread, making breakfast, I read an article about raising dairy cows (where in the world would I build the barn?), I need to get a new shelf for my canned good, the dog needs a bath….what’s on TV this morning? My master’s project about user-centered design is now outlined and ready for data analysis, I have ten pages done on my novel and look, I have three books on the table next to me. SQUIRREL!!!
Anyway, the blog entry got done. Welcome to the swirling vortex that is my brain. I hope you enjoy the ride as much as I do. I’ll keep you posted about my brother’s book. And the barn. And the chickens, my garden is doing well… and the bees…